
Rijnlands presents: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Students from the Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest will present the musical theater performance: A Midsummer Night’s Dream; a modern version of Shakespeare’s most popular comedy, with a live orchestra. Full of music, magic, love and misunderstandings. In this contemporary version, a dating show gets completely out of hand, studio staff become victims of a cruel prank,… Read more Rijnlands presents: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Lieske van de Seijp passed away
On December 18, 2024, our beloved former colleague Lieske van de Seijp passed away at the age of 81. Lieske started as a drawing teacher at the Rijnlands in 1979. She joined an arts department which included Willem Schuts, Aafke van ‘t Land and Simone Haak. A well-esteemed group of teachers that had recently said… Read more Lieske van de Seijp passed away

Marja Selier retired
On Friday, November 15, we said goodbye to Marja Selier: she is finally retiring! Drawing, fine arts and visual arts teacher. Mentor and tutor, she was always there for the students, especially those who needed more personal attention and advice. She has always been an excellent confidante for any of the students. She also had… Read more Marja Selier retired

Five colleagues retire
Last Tuesday we said goodbye to five of our colleagues who are retiring: Ineke van der Sar, Coby van Tongeren, Marc Steenvoorden, Madeleine Allais, Madeleine de Vetten and Desa van der Lugt. Coby van Tongeren, 40 years at the Rijnlands Coby provides sandwiches for our students and colleagues and enjoys having a private chat with… Read more Five colleagues retire

Rudy Andeweg, 1952-2024
On June 28, 2024, we lost our former student Rudy Andeweg, Vice President of the Electoral Council from 2017 to 2024 and Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau. In 1968, as an active and engaged student, Rudy Andeweg was one of the forerunners of the Political Discussion Committee, which considered such issues as ‘the usefulness… Read more Rudy Andeweg, 1952-2024

Sjaak Fonville has retired
After 40 years of dedication, commitment and always being there for the school, an icon is leaving the Rijnlands; a man who has shaped the teaching profession to the extreme. In the role of teacher, tutor, coach, area leader Community Service, BOS, institute educator, MR chair, section chairperson and as ‘Meester Staal’, he has raised… Read more Sjaak Fonville has retired

Farewell colleagues
At the end of this school year, we say goodbye to a number of colleagues. They will enjoy the beginning of a new period after a working life in education. These colleagues are: Marc Steenvoorden, Madeleine de Vetten, Madeleine Allais, Desa van der Lugt, Sjaak Fonville, Coby van Tongeren and Ineke van der Sar. We… Read more Farewell colleagues

Concierge of the Year 2024
The school emptied itself completely on Friday morning, April 12, when all students, teachers and staff gathered in the schoolyard to “put the spotlight” on one of the most original Rijnlanders, as the rector put it. After 40 years of faithful service as a concierge, cafeteria manager, cleaning coordinator, and as a confidant for anyone… Read more Concierge of the Year 2024

Bob van der Meijden passed away
We received the sad news that former colleague Bob van der Meijden passed away on March 31 at the age of 91 -years. Bob attended our school from 1968 to 1989 as a Maths teacher. After his early retirement, fortunately we were able to speak to Bob many more times at the annual Christmas lunch… Read more Bob van der Meijden passed away

older news items
The ROStalgia website has been revamped since early 2024, so every old news item had to be manually transferred. The editors decided to no longer post the older messages from between June 2015 and April 2006. For old times’ sake, we did list the earliest post of the old ROStalgia site on the News page.… Read more older news items

ROS horse for Liesbeth Nouens
This month marks Liesbeth Nouens’ 25th anniversary with us. She began as a Dutch teacher, then taught Spanish and now teaches both subjects. She is especially active in our international department. Congratulations Liesbeth!

The Rijnlands presents: Annie
Students of the Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest present the well-known musical for all the family: Annie! Annie once started as a comic strip: ‘Little Orphan Annie’, but became best known through the 1982 movie and was discovered by a later generation in the 2014 film adaptation. With such familiar hits as ‘It’s a Hard Knock Life’,… Read more The Rijnlands presents: Annie

Retirement of José Mens and Margot Pop
Just before the Christmas break of 2023, the RLO said goodbye to our colleagues José Mens and Margot Pop. José Mens has been a teacher of French language and literature at our school for 25 years. That is why we were abe to present her with the ROS horse statue. José is now taking her… Read more Retirement of José Mens and Margot Pop

Retirement Anneke Bok
On October 27, 2023, teacher Anneke Bok – history and social studies – took early retirement after nearly 25 years at the Rijnlands. Traditionally, we said goodbye to her with a Liber Amicorum, heartfelt speeches and, of course, a song. Anneke reminisced with us about her time at the RLO. Now the time has come… Read more Retirement Anneke Bok

The Rijnlands plays: Möbius
The venue is: Les Cerisiers – madhouse for the rich.In the drawing room, Einstein, Newton and Möbius spend their days. They play chess, secretly drink whisky and are served a three-course meal each day (naturally on Meissener porcelain). Three non-dangerous fools? Certainly not! Three nurses are killed… Does that mean we have three killers or… Read more The Rijnlands plays: Möbius

Closing school year
Dear former Rijnlanders, Today we are closing the school year with all students. It’s a festive day! Or rather: a whole festive week! This Wednesday we bid a grand farewell to two colleagues who will now be enjoying their retirement: Tineke Broer and Cees van Damme. And yesterday we had a wonderful final party with… Read more Closing school year

Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest presents: Grease
“Why this car is automatic. It’s systematic. It’s hydromatic. Why it’s grease lightning.” WE’RE ON AGAIN! After two long years without a show, the auditorium doors can finally open again. We go back to the 1950s, to Rydell High where Danny is/is not interested in Sandy (spoiler alert: they get each other). More than 80… Read more Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest presents: Grease

Comenius oeuvre prize to Ko Colijn
Our former colleague Ko Colijn wil soon receive the Comenius Oeuvre Prize.

Jan van der Spek has passed away
We recently received the sad news that our beloved former teacher Jan van der Spek passed away on Dec. 3, 2021. Jan taught German language and literature at the Rjnlands from 1968 to 2001 and he was an active member of the MR during his school career. One of the quotes he used was: “Après… Read more Jan van der Spek has passed away

Laurens Kruijt departed
On July 30, 2021, our beloved former colleague Laurens Kruijt passed away unexpectedly. He was a history teacher at our school from 1979 to 1989. In the early 1970s, he was also a student at the Rijnlands. Together with Hans Luyendijk and Dorine van Rijssel, both of whom -like Laurens- were both students and teachers… Read more Laurens Kruijt departed

Harry van Mierlo passed away
Harry van Mierlo, principal of the Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest from 1970 to 1981, has passed away unexpectedly. Harry van Mierlo joined our school in 1962 and started as a geography teacher; in his classes he used the teaching method he had written himself.In 1970, he became the principal of our school. He created a warm… Read more Harry van Mierlo passed away

Principal says goodbye
At the end of this week, our principal John Swieringa will take his leave from our school. After serving in various functions for 40 years, it is time to take his retirement. He will be sorely missed! Do read the wonderful interview that was published last week in the Oegstgeester Courant.>>>

Ton Neijenhuis passed away
We received the sad news of the death of our former colleague Ton Neijenhuijs. Ton was among the first generation of teachers at the Rijnlands. He taught history at our school from 1968 to 1995. Ton lived to be 89 years old. We wish Anthoinette and the family strength in coping with this loss. John… Read more Ton Neijenhuis passed away

The Rijnlands plays: Mama Mia
THE RIJNLANDS LYCEUM OEGSTGEEST PLAYS: Mamma Mia! A mother. A daughter. Three possible fathers. Daughter Sophie is about to be married, while her mother is confronted with her colourful past on a beautiful Greek island by meeting three of her former lovers. Sophie, wanting to be ‘given away’ by her real father, tries to find… Read more The Rijnlands plays: Mama Mia

Interview with principal John Swieringa
Rijnlands Lyceum expands with art building and science lab. “Principal John Swieringa of the Rijnlands Lyceum in Oegstgeest is a happy man. After years of waiting, ‘endless discussions’ and students staying in emergency classrooms, the school is finally expanding.” So begins the interview which appeared in the Oegstgeester Courant on December 12, which talks about… Read more Interview with principal John Swieringa

Rijnlands Lyceum presents: The Good Man of Sezuan
Three gods go in search of a good man. They arrive in the Chinese city of Sezuan. There they are excluded by everyone. Only the prostitute Shen Te is willing to provide shelter to them. A good person! The gods reward her with a hefty sum. Shen Te buys a tobacco shop. Immediately she is… Read more Rijnlands Lyceum presents: The Good Man of Sezuan

Five Fellow Retirees
At the end of this school year, five highly valued colleagues will say their goodbyes to the school.. Mieke de Jonge, Nadine Gosselin, Luc Weegels, Adri Albregtse, and Jantine Boomsma are all reaching retirement age. All years combined, these colleagues have been associated with the Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest for 153 years. Mieke de Jonge has… Read more Five Fellow Retirees

The Rijnlands Lyceum presents: Moulin Rouge
The Rijnlands Lyceum in Oegstgeest has nurtured a drama tradition at its school for more than 30 years. Alternately, musicals and stage performances are performed by students from all grade levels and education streams. Once again, about 80 students and many teachers have worked with great enthusiasm on this year’s performance, Moulin Rouge. Directed by… Read more The Rijnlands Lyceum presents: Moulin Rouge

Kees Tabbers passed away
We remember our former colleague Kees Tabbers, teacher of the classical languages at our school from 1969 to 2011. After 42 years of loyal service, Kees Tabbers finally took his retirement in 2011. Unfortunately, that time proved far too short. After a short but intense illness, Kees Tabbers passed away on 9 June 2017. Generations… Read more Kees Tabbers passed away

The Rijnlands plays: Romeo and Juliet
Het Rijnlands Lyceum in Oegstgeest has nurtured a drama tradition at its school for more than 30 years. Alternating musicals and stage performances are performed by students from all grade levels and education streams. Once again, about 80 students and many teachers worked with great enthusiasm on this year’s performance, Romeo & Juliet. Directed by… Read more The Rijnlands plays: Romeo and Juliet

Short film of the reunion at 60 years of the RLO
Tom van Cranenburgh, a student at our school, has made a short film impression of our last reunion. This can be seen on his YouTube channel

Explanatory text to the ‘Construction Movie’
During the reunion, the screening in the auditorium of the “Construction Movie” from the 1960s was a great success. Especially for the former students and former teachers who taught or were taught in the old barracks, the film was a ‘blast from the past’. Harm Bosscher, Maths teacher and vice-principal from 1958 to 1977, remembered… Read more Explanatory text to the ‘Construction Movie’

2nd Gouwe Ouwe Tournament is a prey for the Titans
Prior to last Saturday’s very successful reunion, an indoor soccer tournament was played for the second time this year. About six teams competed during this edition for the Gouwe Ouwe trophy which was once created by former physical education teacher Herma Gerringa. Where once teachers ruled the field, the roles have now been reversed. As… Read more 2nd Gouwe Ouwe Tournament is a prey for the Titans

Old ROS film digitized
Over a period of six school years – from 1962 to 1968 – students of the upper classes of the Rijnlands Lyceum in Oegstgeest made a film about their school, supervised by filmmaker and film teacher Nico Crama from The Hague. The premise was to have the students make their own film about the construction… Read more Old ROS film digitized

Speech by our former student Marcelle Hendrickx
On Thursday, April 21, 2016, the annual E. du Perron evening took place at the Brabant Knowledge Center for Art and Culture (bkkc) in Tilburg. This year, the author Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer received the E. du Perron Prize from the hands of Tilburg’s alderman of culture, Marcelle Hendrickx. Marcelle Hendrickx, a former student of the… Read more Speech by our former student Marcelle Hendrickx

The Rijnlands plays: Fiddler on the Roof
“If I were a rich man, ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum”. Our school has nurtured a drama tradition for more than 25 years now. Alternating musicals and stage performances are performed by students from all grade levels and education streams. Once again, about 80 students and many teachers have worked with… Read more The Rijnlands plays: Fiddler on the Roof

Reunion Rijnlands 60 years
The reunion 60 years of The Rijnlands will be on June 11, 2016! The festivities will take place from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.Registration is possible from January 14, 2016 through the ROStalgia site.

Hans Frieling departed
On 17 November, our former colleague Hans Frieling died at the age of 84. Hans was a history teacher at our school for 26 years, from 1960 to 1986. Hans was part of the team of teachers that worked under the first principal, Jan Naeff, and after that under Harry van Mierlo, in the sixties… Read more Hans Frieling departed

Farewell reception Herman Vermeulen and Tijne Schols
At the beginning of July, the moment had finally arrived: Herman Vermeulen and Tijne Schols were leaving us. In total, no less than 75 years of experience at the Rijnlands! All gone at one stroke. In the principal’s words: that is not just an open wound, it is an arterial bleed. That is why they,… Read more Farewell reception Herman Vermeulen and Tijne Schols

Concert for Ruth
Ruth van de Putte has stopped teaching music at the Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest after 28 years. A procession of (former) students and (former) colleagues joined family members and friends in our school’s auditorium on Thursday, July 2, to honor her musically. The audience enjoyed a large number of artists who took their first musical steps… Read more Concert for Ruth

The Iron Egg
Walter Schrader, former student of The Rijnlands Lyceum has written a largely autobiographical novel, ‘The Iron Egg.’ There is a passage in this book in which the main character goes to the reunion of his old school. Without mentioning the Rijnlands by name, it is clear to us that this passage takes place in our… Read more The Iron Egg