Dear former colleagues,

To measure is to know, as the Dutch expression goes. We can reliably measure how many former colleagues have visited this site. The results of this first “Senioros” year, or so Herman Vermeulen informs me, is very encouraging in that sense; clearly, this site meets a definite need.

The school year 2013-2014 has already well advanced; the exam tension is mounting and before you know it the summer holiday will be upon us. I sometimes wonder if time flies just as fast when you are finally allowed to rest on your laurels. Perhaps one of you can share their observations with us some time?

The interest in our school is undiminished. We have grown so fast in the last six years that we are now approaching the definite limit of our capabilities. The school is filled to capacity, and to our great regret we are forced to curb the influx. We have set a maximum of 190 new first-formers for the coming school year. We are certain to reach that number, but the good news is that we most likely will not have to shut the door for any candidates.

As for our colleagues, this school year 2012-2013 is again marred by tragedy. After losing Annemiek van den Berg in the summer of 2011 we were confronted with the sudden death of Rob Bouwman in January of this year. Many of you witnessed him being steeped in overwhelming sympathy when he was awarded his jubilee ROS horse during the Christmas luncheon last December. Losing two fantastic colleagues in such a short time is something that still hurts every day.

Despite everything, we did have a highlight in the shape of our yearly theatre production. The musical “Cabaret” was an outstanding success in 1994 but this year’s production of “Chicago”, directed by our former student Malthe Huthof and in the capable hands of music teacher Ruth van der Putte, may have been even more memorable. Fortunately, many former colleagues have also been present to see the show. For those who have missed it: you are kindly invited to join the audience next year; for of course this tradition is to be continued.

John Swieringa,


April 2013